Remote Volunteer Opportunities
1. Hanging posters for volunteering or upcoming events
2. Posting on Volunteer websites
3. Reach out/post on free websites for upcoming events
Community Build Week, Women Build Week, etc.
More information HERE
4. Create "Jobs" on Indeed for volunteering
5. Reach out to companies/organizations about volunteering
More Information HERE
6. Reach out to companies/organizations about sponsorships/partnering
7. Reach out to local restaurants about meal sponsorships
More information HERE
8. Join any committee
Each committee has remote work
Need chair/leaders for the committees! (Marketing, Faith Relations, Fundraising, etc)
Event Planning
More information HERE
9. Reach out to local High Schools to start HS Habitat Chapters
More information HERE
10. Reach out to potential buildings for ReStore locations
Permanent and/or for pop-up events
After location is solidified, help VISTA reach out for product donations
More information HERE
11. Reach out to storage facilities for new storage unit space
12. Research potential grants
13. Grant writing
14. Reach out to people who have lots for sale
Lot donations
More information HERE
15. Reach out to local car dealerships/people who have cars for sale, etc.
Car donations
More information HERE
16. Photography - volunteers, homeowners, homes, home dedications, home blessings, events, etc.
17. Website maintenance/updates
All "services" donations welcomed
More information HERE
18. Office work - organizing, scanning, filing, shredding, laminating, cleaning, etc.
19. Research potential local programs to partner with
If it's a good fit, create a partnership
20. Research potential events for Habitat to attend
Attend/have a booth if comfortable
21. Write thank you cards and/or send thank-you items