apply for homeownership

Habitat for Humanity of Kenosha builds homes in partnership with qualifying partner families and the community and then sells the homes at an affordable rate to partnering families. Kenosha Habitat also prepares partner families to be successful homeowners.
Habitat does not give away free houses. Habitat offers low or no interest rate mortgages and affordable homeownership opportunities. A future homeowner must show that they have a need for housing, are willing to partner with Habitat for Humanity and are able to pay for a Habitat mortgage.
There are 3 major qualifications for applying for a Habitat home:

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Habitat for Humanity of Kenosha uses a closed application system. We will be accepting applications during the following dates each year:
March 1st at 9:00 am - March 15th at 4:00 pm
Sept. 1st at 9:00 am - Sept. 15th at 4:00 pm
Any applications sent outside of these time periods will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant. It is recommended that applicants submit an application and supporting documents via the online portal below.
If you need to pick up a paper copy of the application or an application in Spanish, please call our office to schedule a time to do so. Applications are only available for pick up during the open application periods.
what happens now?
complete application
Complete the application above. Then submit the application, the required documents and the $25 application fee. You may mail it or drop it off at our office: 6203 28th Avenue Kenosha. Applications must be received prior to the deadline. If you need to pick up a physical copy of the application, please call the office (262-925-0360) to set up a pick up time.
Before submitting the completed application, be sure to make a copy for yourself. If you are not accepted this application round, you are welcome to apply again at another round in the future.
application review
After your application is submitted, Habitat Staff will pull civil/criminal records and obtain your credit report. Habitat Staff will request references and the documentations submitted (e.g., tax returns, pay stubs, bank statements) for review. This step takes about 1 month.
*Please note that you are not guaranteed admittance into the program even if you qualify under the program criteria.
home visit
Habitat representatives will visit your home to meet your family, tour your current residence, and review your family budget. This step takes about 1 month.
board of directors’ approval
After completing a home visit, your application will be presented to the Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors for final approval. This step takes about 1 month.
Approved families can then start to complete the 250 hours (single adult) or 500 hours (2 or more adults) of sweat equity on their own home and the home of fellow Habitat homeowners and other projects. You will be asked to complete the google classroom training, get access to Volunteer Hub, access to Homeowner Hub and you will be assigned an advocate.
sweat equity
After hitting 25% of your required sweat equity hours, you will be offered one of the available home locations.